Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dwindling Attendance...

Now that testing has ceased, there has been a significant drop off rate for student attendence. Of the 38 students that our class normally has, we have had about 14 show up over the last couple of days. I was expecting a decent drop in attendence, but nothing to this extent. It is sad to see that  many students have decided not to come to class but at the same time you almost can't blame them. Generally after exams, the teachers stop teaching completely. Many of the students come because they'd rather be at school than at home and others are forced to go by their parents. Maria and I have strived to make instruction as fun as possible for students, in hopes of retaining some of the learners that other wise would not show up. I hope the students continue to come to class on a regular basis, eager to learn and have fun.

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